5 best anti-wrinkles essential oils.


Essential oils are a great powerful addition to any skincare formula . You need just few drops to get amazing healing benefits for your skin . Based on my experience and my learning over the years I have put these 5 best anti-wrinkles essential oils information together for you to consider when making your own skincare products. This does not necessarily means that there are many other essential oils which are beneficial to delay natural aging process. In my opinion these would be the best ones. The more I learn about essential oils the more I love them even though I fell in love with these nature wonders many many years ago !


Inmortelle  (Helycrisum Italicum)  Yes maybe you have never heard about this one before but as its French name says “everlasting” and by using this exquisite essential oil in our skincare regime, our natural beauty may last forever and ever . I always say : it is about aging beautifully , we can no stop the natural aging process but perhaps we can delay and age in the best way !

This little precious white  flower original from Corsica and has great anti-inflammatory benefits which it makes it very effective on psoriasis skin condition. Immortelle Essential Oil is one of the rarest and most powerful healing oils on this planet. Immortelle is a high performer in skincare as it increases cell production, great for acne, burns, cuts, spots. It blends well with chamomile, lavender, clary sage, geranium , rose and citrus oil. The down is it is quite expensive a 5ml bottle size can be up to €80 . (Definitely in my next Christmas wishlist 🙂 )


Frankiscense (Boswellia carteri) – Top anti-aging essential oil. Used to treat blemishes, dry and mature complexions, scars, wounds and wrinkles. Yes I know for me it smells like a church but since I learnt is one of the best to delay aging process I instantly loved it and it is always in my skincare products formula . Although I like to use it in combination with others as the smell can be strong. It blends well with sandalwood, vetiver, geranium, lavender, mimosa, neroli, orange, bergamot. It modifies the sweetness of citrus blends in an intriguing way. Not so expensive essential but it always recommended to get Organic

Number 3

Rose (Rosa damascena , or centifolia, or rubiginosa, or rugosa)  – There are different varieties of Rose oils  and different methods of extraction. Apparently many thousands of rose petals is needed  to get just 1 ml  of this luxurious oil so I am not surprise why the cost of this precious oil is high . Rose essential oil is well-known for its rejuvenating properties , reduces broken capillaries,  moisturizes dry skin, heals eczema, and it is extremely good for mature and sensitive complexions and wrinkles. It blends well with lavender, bergamot, neroli, geranium, patchouli and palmarose. It can be expensive as well although not as much as Immortelle. 5ml can be up to €50

Number 4

Neroli (Citrus aurantium var.amara) named after a princess of Nerola in Italy , who loved to wear it as a perfume (me too by the way….I feel like a princess now ) It is also an expensive oil but amazingly good to reduce scars, stretch marks, thread veins and to treat mature and sensitive skin, tones the complexion therefore a great anti-wrinkle oil. It really blends well with all oils . A little bottle of 2.5 ml costs  up to €40 !!

Number  5

Spikenard (Nardostachys jatamansi) Who does not love this aromatic herb/flower ? A rejuvenating oil that is very good to treat skin allergies, inflammation, mature skin . It blends well with lavender, patchouli and vetiver. It is an affordable oil but sometimes difficult to find.

Some of this information has been extracted from “The Encyclopedia of essential oils ” by Julia Lawless . It is a handy book to have when you want to use essential oils in your skincare products and for therapeutic purposes.

I would like to recommend some suppliers  where you can get really really good good quality of essential oils , all of them offer different price range but I LOVE  supporting local people local businesses in Ireland and especially people who support my skincare classes and understand and love my mission as much as I do.

I have tried and tested personally :

doTerra essential oils in Dublin  https://www.mydoterra.com/carnelianmoon/#/  and https://www.facebook.com/plantandmineralmagic/

Atlantic Aromatics in Co. Wicklow – Ireland

http://www.unicornaroma.ie/  Co. Galway – West coast Ireland

and let me know if you know others please !

To learn more about how to use essential oils and many other plant ingredients when making your own skincare products I have still 2 places available for you and your friend in my next skincare workshop on Saturday the 18th February. At the moment I am offering a very special exclusive offer to all my subscribers and followers : if you and your friend book this workshop you save €30 each (2o%). Just use coupon code bringafriend20  at the checkout .   Read full info about my next skincare workshop HERE 

Carpe diem

La Mayca x


3 responses

    1. Hi Inneke, apologies for not responding on time. I have had technical problems on my website. No spikenard is a different flower to Lavandin .

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