How to exfoliate your skin for less than five euros.

How to exfoliate your skin for less than five euros

Yes it is possible to exfoliate your skin naturally using just a couple of natural items and ingredients is so easy and great for the skin. I can imagine your skin is particularly dry at this time of the year. Let’s be honest it has been a veeeeeeery cold and looooong winter so far, including lovely dense magical snow !! too much indoor heating, too much chocolate and too much laziness . I totally get you !! Even me as a natural skincare lover finds difficult to keep my skin on my body proper moisturized in winter when you only want to get dressed quickly after your shower .

So here is the solution why not moisturizing your skin while you are in the shower. Killing two birds with one stone ! right?

Last week I shared in Instagram and Facebook a couple of good findings that I was actually shocked to find something 100% natural in Penneys, not a friend of this place , but accidentally found a lovely “natural bath ball ” for €1.50 made of natural fiber. And a great sisal glove for some great exfoliating action in Dunnes Stores for €3.50



Why you need to exfoliate your skin ? well skin cells renewal is every 28 days , and you need to remove the dead skin cells that makes your skin looks dull and feel dry, and not matter how much moisturizer you apply if the skin is not exfoliated regularly, the moisturizer cream, butter or oils you use will never penetrate enough as it will just stay on the top layer. Basically your skin will not absorb it.

This is tricky because we do not know the actual date is every 28 days , therefore if you scrub your skin  once a week or every two weeks is more than enough.

So get this glove or natural bath ball and if you fancy to enhance the action , make a good body scrub that you can storage to avoid having to make it every time you need it.

Click here     for a great recipe of a body scrub that I shared a while ago , but feel free to replace ingredients as you wish, always substitute an ingredient of the same category e.g. if you do not want to use sea salt , you can replace for sugar, ground coffee, Himalayan salt , (by the way I found a great Himalayan salt and Sea salt in those Polish stores for only €1, unbelievably affordable?)   A couple of weeks ago I saw a body scrub product from a lovely natural brand that was mainly Himalayan salt, some oils and essential oils and its price was €45 . Seriously ? You can make that product in 10 minutes and you will spend less than €5, believe me !


Use the natural glove or ball, or body brush , whatever you have and apply the body scrub you made ON DRY SKIN , not wet skin, it will work much better , then rinse it and I promise you , you will not need to use moisturizer after . Just pad the skin with a nice fluffy cotton towel to allow the oils into your skin.


Open the hot water a few minutes before you get it in the shower to allow steam to be created that will help to open your skin pores . After few minutes get in the shower (but no water running yet) apply the body scrub with a glove or natural brush, gently . There is no need to scratch your skin !! Indulge and pamper yourself smelling the beautiful essential oils you used in the body scrub and the steam  and when you are done , rinse thoroughly . Do not use soap, shower gels or anything else.

Enjoy !

If you want to learn how to make beautiful professional standard bodycare products my next one full day course of skincare making is the 24th March click here for more info

La Mayca x

2 responses

    1. Hi Annette you need to click on where it says HERE is the recipe ….. it will bring you to the post with my recipe

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