Amazing Apple Cider Vinegar.

Unless you’re living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about some of the benefits that apple cider vinegar provides. From helping with weight loss to removing stains from fabric, this hardworking ingredient never ceases to amaze us. Apple cider vinegar is not only multi-purpose but super powerful, as well.

This is the second ingredient we’re happy to highlight in our underrated natural ingredient series. It’s time to break this golden vinegar out of your kitchen cupboard and put it to good use. We’re going to take a look at how you can incorporate apple cider vinegar into your natural beauty routine.


While you might smell like a fresh summer salad when you use it, apple cider vinegar can benefit your skin in more ways than one.

Treats Acne

Apple cider vinegar works to kill bacteria and balance out your skin’s pH levels. That makes it perfect for cleansing your skin and treating active acne. Maintaining the right pH level on your skin (somewhere between 5.5 and 6) is crucial to preventing breakouts.However, it’s important to bear in mind that apple cider vinegar has a pH of about 3, which is quite acidic. While this allows for a “peeling” or deep cleansing exfoliating effect on the skin, it’s not recommended for every day use.

In order to use this vinegar daily, you need to dilute it with water to achieve a pH level of 7. This level is more suitable for the skin. To use as a natural toner, dab diluted apple cider vinegar onto clean, dry skin. You don’t have to rinse it off afterwards, but you can if you prefer to. 

Soothes Skin

This amazing natural ingredient also has anti-inflammatory properties which can help reduce redness, soothe sunburns, and even alleviate psoriasis. Apple cider vinegar contains amino acids like glutamine and arginine, which help with wound healing. These amino acids help your boost collagen production and neutralise the harmful effects of free radicals that crop up after exposure to UVA rays. Applying this diluted vinegar to irritated skin can help it on the path towards regeneration.

Heals Bruises

For people who bruise like a peach, this tidbit will be especially useful. Bruises happen when blood pools under the skin after a trauma like falling, bumping into things or other accidents. Fortunately, the anti-inflammatory properties of this golden vinegar help dissipate blood that has gathered under the skin. If you have a bruise, you can simply soak a cotton ball in diluted apple cider vinegar and affix it to the injured area with a bandage. Leave it to sit for one hour to allow the vinegar enough time to work its magic.

Razor burn remedy

No matter how good you may think your razor is, there is always the possibility of that pesky razor burn. Hydroxy acids are one of the many powerful components of apple cider vinegar. These natural chemicals work to remove any buildup of old, dead skin cells and make way for new, healthy skin cells . This vinegar exfoliates away the dead skin that tends to trap ingrown hairs. By exfoliating that skin away, it can help clear and prevent razor burn.


The beauty benefits of apple cider vinegar don’t stop at your skin, this amazing natural ingredient can also help your hair.

Improves Shine

This golden vinegar is an affordable and natural treatment for your hair. In fact, it can help remove the residue and buildup of other products from your luscious locks. The acetic acid present in this vinegar can help balance the pH levels of your hair. Furthermore, it can stimulate the scalp and help promote hair growth. Combine one part apple cider vinegar with twelve parts water and massage it into your hair after you’ve shampooed it. For best results, leave it in for ten minutes before rinsing with cold water.

Dandruff treatment

The antifungal properties in apple cider vinegar make it ideal for treating dandruff. Not to mention, the acidic properties it has allow it to balance the pH level of the scalp, which helps ward off any future fungal infections. For a natural dandruff treatment at home, mix one part vinegar and one part water. In this case, you want to massage the mixture into your hair before you shampoo. For best results, use this mixture consistently to maintain your scalp’s pH.

Other beauty uses

Apple cider vinegar can help treat your skin and hair, but there are even more ways to incorporate this powerful ingredient into your beauty routine.

  • Whiten your teeth – Add a bit of baking soda to this golden vinegar to make a paste. Brush your teeth with it to help remove coffee and wine stains naturally.
  • Foot deodorizer – Apple cider vinegar can help naturally neutralise smelly feet. Mix one part vinegar with four parts water and let your feet soak in the mixture for fifteen minutes.
  • Deodorant – Just like your feet, you can use this vinegar to neutralise natural body odour. Apply this vinegar to your armpits to use it as a natural deodorant in a pinch.
  • Clean makeup tools – Regularly cleaning makeup brushes and blenders is essential to minimizing clogged pores and acne. Mix one part warm water, one part apple cider vinegar, and a dash of lemon juice together for an effective natural makeup tool cleanser.
The Takeaway

Stay tuned for more healing ingredients in our underrated ingredients blog series. To learn more about how to naturally care for your hair, preview WapoBeauty’s  How to make Shampoo Bar eBook. To discover how to make your own skincare at home, consider signing up for WapoBeauty’s  Complete Soapmaking Online Course.


Ashuni Pérez is an American writer based in Valencia, Spain. She has a passion for natural beauty and the environment. Ashuni loves to cycle and drink smoothies in the sun. Follow her on Instagram at @ashuuuuni

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