Benecos sassy salmon blush.

Benecos -Sassy Salmon – blush

has been one of the most popular shades on certified Natural Benecos makeup products. I was invited by Deco your necko , mother and daughter from Lithuania who make gorgeous, sophisticated and original handmade jewellery that I have never seen before. Diamond asked me  to supply Benecos make-up to use on their model for their catalogue pictures and some other lovely people gather last month in Stephen’s Green for the photoshoot . Very lucky with the weather !

Make-up artist Agatha from  Eye Love makeup  started to test Benecos on Camila – gorgeous Brazilian model- and loved the products straight away. She quickly chose the eye pencils, Sassy  salmon blush and Berry natural lipgloss. Agatha loved the textures, shades and finish of Benecos . Diamond from Deco your necko did a brilliant job with her excellent organisational skills , positivity and creativity. It was a long hard day but definitely worth it . Diamond was amazed how a natural make-up brand lasted so many hours and look so gorgeous. 

It was lovely to work with you guys . See you soon

La Mayca

decko your necko photoshoot

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