Benecos make-up workshop in Dublin.

Benecos make-up workshop was held last Saturday 18th at WapoBeauty office. We had a great time at home with some Spanish friends and Maria Jose Arribas make-up artist who taught us tips and techniques on how to wear make-up in the best way to enhance our natural beauty.

We used certified natural Benecos  and all the girls loved the shades and textures. Maria Jose make-up artist reckons that Benecos -Sassy salmon- Blush powder is a shade suitable for everyone not matter what skin tone as it gives that “healthy” touch that we all need in the mornings.

All the girls looked beautiful and we had a great fun exploring and daring different ways of make-up and something VERY important and essential for a good result are the tools you use like Benecos natural brushes to get that professional look that we all desire when wearing make-up.

Feedback from one of our attendees :

Mayca, I wanted to THANK YOU for the great workshop you organised yesterday with Maria Jose, make up artist, we were all beautiful (even more!) at the end and your  Benecos products are simply really, really good. Thanks again!!

If you are interested in taking part of a make-up workshop please contact us or phone me 0876400010. We are also planing to run Organic skincare workshops this year 2014.

Call us for more info !


La Mayca x

benecos Blusher Brush



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