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4 responses
I feel a bit confused about the types of vitamin E. With the simulated natural VitE – how is it natural if it’s simulated? I don’t feel confident in when or why I would use one over the other, or even to tell which is natural and which is simulated as they’re both named ‘tocopherol ‘. Is Vit E explained in more detail later in the course or could you guide me to some more info? Thank you!
Hi Natalie, simulated means NATURAL IDENTICAL , the product is made in the lab but is identical in chemistry as the natural tocopherol. Don’t worry about this at the moment. You will always know if the tocopherol is synthetic or natural as it will mentioned on the web suppliers and/or the technical documents . The important thing to know is that DL-Alpha Tocopherol is more prone to rancidity and MIXED tocopherols type is more efficient. Either or are good to start your practice.
Hi Mayca, I wanted to know more about using colostrum as a natural product in a skin cream? It would be water based, so would need preservatives, anything else?
Hi Ann Marie, yes colostrum needs a strong preservative whether it is in dry powder form (as the powder will be water soluble ) or its liquid form . Same thing happens with other beautiful and powerful plant (live) extracts such aloe vera, goat milk, etc in cosmetic. This is why you need to start learning how to formulate with water based ingredients to make aqueous and emulsions products with colostrum.
I feel a bit confused about the types of vitamin E. With the simulated natural VitE – how is it natural if it’s simulated? I don’t feel confident in when or why I would use one over the other, or even to tell which is natural and which is simulated as they’re both named ‘tocopherol ‘. Is Vit E explained in more detail later in the course or could you guide me to some more info? Thank you!
Hi Natalie, simulated means NATURAL IDENTICAL , the product is made in the lab but is identical in chemistry as the natural tocopherol. Don’t worry about this at the moment. You will always know if the tocopherol is synthetic or natural as it will mentioned on the web suppliers and/or the technical documents . The important thing to know is that DL-Alpha Tocopherol is more prone to rancidity and MIXED tocopherols type is more efficient. Either or are good to start your practice.
Hi Mayca, I wanted to know more about using colostrum as a natural product in a skin cream? It would be water based, so would need preservatives, anything else?
Thanks, AnnMarie
Hi Ann Marie, yes colostrum needs a strong preservative whether it is in dry powder form (as the powder will be water soluble ) or its liquid form . Same thing happens with other beautiful and powerful plant (live) extracts such aloe vera, goat milk, etc in cosmetic. This is why you need to start learning how to formulate with water based ingredients to make aqueous and emulsions products with colostrum.