The best testimonial I have ever received in my entire career.

The best testimonial I have ever received in my entire career 

I really love my students, everyone who come to my skincare classes are like-minded people and feel curious about how to make your own beauty products. All of them leave extremely satisfied with the experience after the class and have received not even one negative feedback in all my years educating about natural and organic skincare . I have read lovely 5* reviews on facebook or on my workshop feedback forms, or heard beautiful kind words from a lot of people expressing how much they loved my classes and how much it changed their way of life for the better.

But this testimonial in particular touched my heart , this person was beyond satisfied and she did get the time to write a beautiful meaningful email after finishing my workshop. I feel related to her story because have been through something similar . It is so fulfilling to know that I do not only teach people how to make their own natural skincare from the scratch but I also contribute to their happiness and dreams.  So this is what she wrote :

Hi Mayca
I wanted to message u and thank you for today. I loved your soapmaking course. More so  I must explain what it meant for me to be there. I lost my business last June 2016. I owned and ran this school business which I poured my heart into for 10 years. The landlord finished my lease and long story short my heart broke. My first thought was to never invest my heart in something again. I know I won’t set up another school as I had it just as I wanted it to be.  So soapmaking was my first idea last Summer. It took me until now to heal mentally so today was very special. When you greeted me with a hug I knew I was in the right place. Stupidly I had some drinks last night so was not 100% so I promise you the quiet person you met is a lot more vivacious normally . I can’t stop talking about you to my husband and I’m so excited to try soapmaking at home and add some art. My husband and son are artists so I’ll have a little help there. Also  my daughter would love to do a skincare course with you soon. Honestly I Could sit and chat with you over a jug of Sangria for hours. You were a perfect host and teacher.
I will see you again Mayca 
Love x

I have omitted names and personal references for confidential purposes but I asked her permission to share this with you all.

I love my students , I love my job and feel extremely grateful to do what I am passionate about.

My next and last soapmaking class of this year 2017 is Saturday the 21st October . See full info here

See full information on natural skincare workshops for the rest of the year 2017 here 

For those who are far from Dublin and/or can’t make my classes on Saturdays I highly recommend my Online skincare workshop here

Any questions about my classes comment below this post , don’t be shy !

La Mayca x

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