How to Make Organic Carrot Oil.

Carrots are known for their health food benefits as a crunchy, sweet root vegetable. However, this vegetable can also provide a world of natural benefits to the skin. You may have seen this natural ingredient in sun protection products or nourishing facial oils. With a simple recipe and oil infusion process, you can enjoy this skin-loving oil at home. In this recipe of the month, you’ll learn how to make organic carrot oil and ways to use it in natural beauty products.


To make this organic carrot oil, you’ll need:

  • Organic grated carrots
  • Organic sunflower oil
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol)
  • Glass sealed jar
Properties of the Ingredients

Here we’ll explore the benefits of the ingredients in this organic carrot oil.


This vegetable naturally contains plenty of Vitamin A and C, as well as minerals and antioxidants like beta carotene. When grated carrot is applied to the skin, it can help give it a natural glow. Carrots also provide anti-ageing properties which means they can reduce wrinkles and boost collagen production. Furthermore, these little veggies are packed full of potassium which is wonderful for nourishing and moisturising the skin. Last but not least, carrots can boost wound healing and combat breakouts, rashes, and even dermatitis.

Sunflower oil

This natural golden oil is known for having higher levels of Vitamin E than any other oil. As you may already know, Vitamin E promotes skin health and can noticeably improve the appearance of skin. Sunflower oil also contains Vitamin A, which can help cleanse the skin and has antibacterial properties. The combination of these two vitamins can soothe irritated skin, treat acne, heal wounds faster, and leave the skin feeling soft to the touch. Lastly, using this oil helps create a protective barrier on the skin, locking moisture in and keeping bacteria out.

Crafting your Organic Carrot Oil

Although carrot oil helps enhance sun protection formulas, we’d like to clarify that this is NOT an SPF product. For your understanding, in order for a product to claim SPF, it must go through a lot of clinical tests. This is infused carrot oil with the function of a carrier oil, which is not the same thing as carrot seed oil (the essential oil) a product made from steam distillation. 

It’s vital to weigh the oil to calculate the percentage of Vitamin E (tocopherol), between 0.1%-2%, you need to add to the amount of carrot infused oil you have made to protect the oil from oxidation. You can use this oil as a raw cosmetic material to make a range of skincare products: balms, serums, face oils, body oils, moisturisers, creams, or any leave-on cosmetic product. Bear in mind that you can use it as you would use Organic Sunflower oil, but with the richness of the actives and benefits extracted from carrots. Don’t worry! This oil will not tint your skin orange. Always store this organic carrot oil in a cool, dry place.


First, you should grate the organic carrots and spread them across an oven tray. Heat the oven to 50°C and let the carrots bake for approximately 1 hour. Baking the carrots draws out the moisture from every little piece of carrot. Alternatively, if you have a food dehydrator, you can use that as it works much better for this process. To make infused oils, the ratio is normally 1:9 of plant to oil. That means you’ll have 1 part carrot, let’s say 100 grams of grated dried carrot, to 900 grams of sunflower oil. 

Once you’ve measured everything out, find a glass sealed jar that has been properly cleaned and dried. This will prevent any mould from growing in your jar. Then, place the oil and carrots in a glass sealed jar, label with ingredients, as well as the ratio you used and the date. Leave the jar in the dark for a few weeks, but be sure to shake it regularly over this period. After a few weeks have passed, you’ll want to sieve the carrots out. For best practices, you can watch this video of Mayca sieving carrots to achieve the cleanest oil after the infusion period.

The Takeaway

Take advantage of all the wonderful natural benefits in carrots by making your own organic carrot oil. Please, let us know in the comments if you made this oil and how it turned out! If you’re looking to craft natural skincare at home, be sure to check out WapoBeauty’s Natural skincare 21 formulas eBook  you will find professional recipes and methods to incorporate carrot oil and many other beautiful plant oils. Anyone searching for guided learning should visit WapoBeauty’s Complete Facial Skincare Online Course  and discover how to make professional, safe, and stable natural beauty products. Join the ranks of students who found this class valuable and rewarding

About Our Blogger

Ashuni Pérez is an American writer based in Valencia, Spain. She has a passion for natural beauty and the environment. Ashuni loves to cycle and drink smoothies in the sun. Follow her on Instagram at @ashuuuuni

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