Natural Hair Oils for Summer.

Summertime means spending plenty of time in the sun, at the beach or by the pool. While that can be great for the soul, it can be very hard on your hair. Taking care of your hair during the summer months can be much easier with natural hair oils. Natural hair oils are great for strengthening and protecting your hair in all seasons, especially summer.

Benefits of Using Hair Oils

Contrary to popular belief, hair oils don’t make your hair oily. In fact, they can help prevent oily hair! Natural hair oils provide serious nourishment for your hair by stimulating hair growth, combating hair damage, and protecting your hair from the heat. These oils can also help fight against the discomfort of dry scalp and dandruff. Not to mention, they are a more environmentally conscious way to care for your hair.

Best Hair Oils for Summer

There are a wide variety of natural hair oils on the market today. Below are some of the better natural hair oils to use for summer hair care.

Argan Oil

This oil comes from nuts and is therefore rich in fatty acids, Vitamin E and antioxidants. Also known as liquid gold or Moroccan oil, this natural oil has a reputation for making hair lovely. Argan oil helps moisturize hair and make it more manageable, as well as shiny. This oil can even help protect your hair from harsh UV rays, so it’s perfect for summer.

Argan oil is not as greasy as some other natural oils, which means you can use it regularly. If you are so inclined, you can use argan oil to moisturize your hair daily. Simply add a few drops to your hands, rub your palms to together and apply the oil to your hair. Be sure to avoid your roots.

Sweet Almond Oil

Almonds contain lots of healthy nutrients for your body, so it’s no surprise that they can care for your hair, too! Sweet almond oil contains proteins, fatty acids, antioxidants, magnesium, and Vitamin E. These nutrients help promote hair growth, as well as, prevent breakage. In summer months, using this oil can make your hair longer and stronger.

You can easily adapt almond oil to your hair routine. Add a few drops to your hair to keep it tangle free. Rub it into your scalp to promote hair growth. Leave it in overnight to lock in moisture. Apply a few drops to your hair to prevent split ends and hair breakage.

Grapeseed Oil

Like many of its oily friends, grapeseed oil contains lots of nutrients that can help care for your hair. However, unlike other oils, grapeseed does a much better job of treating weak or brittle hair and preventing hair loss. That’s because grapeseed oil contains a high level of Vitamin E. This light, natural oil also helps fight off dandruff and dermatitis that can flare up in the summertime.

As grapeseed oil is much lighter than other oils, you can use it frequently. Use a few tablespoons of grapeseed oil to create a deep conditioning treatment and leave it in for ten to fifteen minutes. Rinse it away and leave your hair more moisturized and shiny than before. To treat dandruff, massage a few drops directly into the scalp.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has an undeniably sweet smell and is solid at room temperature. This oil is very versatile and works wonders for your hair. With antifungal properties, it’s great for cradle cap on babies. Packed full of vitamins and minerals, coconut oil promotes excellent hair health. In summer months, coconut oil can help protect your hair from heat damage. It also helps repair hair, heal the scalp, and leaves behind a beautiful shine.

To use coconut oil, warm it up naturally with the heat of your hands. Those with dry hair should apply it to their hair and roots. Those with oily hair should avoid their roots and only apply it to their hair. Regularly use coconut oil to keep your hair healthy and shiny.

Olive Oil

This oil doesn’t only make for a lovely salad dressing, it also works wonders on your hair. Olive oil can replace your conditioner as it helps naturally protect hair. When combined with lemon juice, it works to combat dry scalp and dandruff. This oil also helps guard your hair against heat damage while keeping it sleek and shiny.

Use one to two tablespoon of it on your hair and allow it to soak for half an hour. Shampoo your hair afterward and be sure to rinse thoroughly. Repeat this treatment once a week for best results.

The Takeaway

If you didn’t know it, you summer hair care secret may have been hiding in your kitchen cabinet this whole time. Although, remember that different oils will work better on different hair types. To learn more about using oils on your hair, read Mayca’s post on best essential oils for hair care. For more comprehensive natural oil knowledge, considering signing up for the Complete Online Course.



Ashuni Pérez is an American writer based in Valencia, Spain. She has a passion for natural beauty and the environment. Ashuni loves to cycle and drink smoothies in the sun. Follow her on Instagram at @ashuuuuni


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