Great Male grooming and Anti Ageing tips for Men.

I’m a 44 year old guy who accepts that the ageing process in inevitable. The fact that it’s natural, however, is not an excuse to look old while you’re still in the prime of your life! Unlike women, men are just not encouraged to fight the ageing process. However, just like women, if you adopt certain habits and add a few products to your grooming arsenal, you can age gracefully with that distinguished handsome look….

So here are a few of my beauty tips for men!


These are micro-nutrients your body is not able to manufacture on its own, so they must be derived from outside sources. These micro-nutrients work from the inside by feeding your cells, resulting in healthy skin when consumed in adequate quantities. Additionally, some vitamins prevent and repair cellular damage by neutralizing excessive free radicals, thereby slowing ageing process.

How to use them: The best way to get your vitamins, of course, is by filling your plate with plenty of fresh raw fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, busy lives often leave us little time to prep food, which means that popping a multivitamin every day can help increase your chances of giving your body what it needs to function at its best.



This removes dead skin cells and helps unclog pores. Removing all the gunk from your skin will reveal a new layer of cells, meaning your epidermis will be visibly brighter and younger looking.

How to use it: The skin cells turnover cycle takes approximately 28 days, so don’t ex-foliate more than about twice a month.

I use this – it’s fab!

Body Scrub


Eye cream

Designed to hydrate and deliver nutrients to the sensitive, thin skin around your eyes, where wrinkles often appear first. Top products either plump up skin to minimize the appearance of any fine lines you presently have or target the cell turnover process to slow the formation of future wrinkles.

How to use it: Use an eye cream twice daily – once in the morning and again before bed. A light touch is needed when applying this product, as stretching out your skin will encourage wrinkles rather than get rid of them. Dab on eye cream by moving in semicircles toward your nose, underneath your eyes and on your lids.

Try this… but don’t tell the other half or there will be none left!!!

Male grooming


Antioxidant moisturizer

Why it fights the ageing process? Well, as we age, our skin becomes drier. A moisturizer that’s full of antioxidants will not only drench the upper layers of your epidermis with a hydrating tonic but will also pump nourishing ingredients into your cells, helping skin retain its youthful elasticity.

How to use it: Moisturizers with high doses of vitamins such as A, C and E are best. You’ll know if the product you’re considering purchasing has a hefty dose of antioxidants, if you find these vitamins listed on the packaging. Once you settle on a moisturizer, apply it twice daily, once in the morning and again before bed.

This facial cream for men ticks all the boxes:



Sunscreen and sunglasses

How do they fight the ageing process? One of the top ways to slow down the ageing process or lessen its effects is to use sunscreen religiously and don sunglasses every time you step outside, even when the sun isn’t bright. While the combination of sunscreen and sunglasses won’t magically get rid of any wrinkles you already have, it works by preventing future skin damage from occurring.

How to use them: Apply sunscreen in the morning and reapply periodically throughout the day if you spend a lot of time outdoors. I recommend a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more, even in Ireland during our so-called summer… and don’t worry, you will still get a nice sun kissed glow – it will take a bit longer, but it will last longer too! Finally, buy your sunglasses from a label you trust, so that you know the lenses will effectively block harmful UV rays. 

 For best results try this organic sunscreen:

transparent sun gel spf 30


If you make the choice (it is a choice!) to adopt these habits, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly and sleep well, you will age gracefully, looking handsome and distinguished…

Enjoy your journey!


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