Coronavirus Quarantine Self-care Tips.

As many go into government or self-imposed quarantine, we find ourselves in a strange social predicament. The fact that social distancing and quarantine are taking over doesn’t mean that we can’t make the best of a less-than-great situation. As a matter of fact, we can use this as a time for pause, reflection, creation, and intention-setting. While many things are still uncertain, governments around the world are suggesting that home quarantine may last anywhere from two weeks to two months. With many people around the world falling ill and healthcare systems bursting at the seams, we must keep calm. Read on to find our quarantine self-care tips to help get you through this period.


The unknown can be frightening. What’s worse is that with so much fear and speculation going around, people are losing a lot… loved ones, jobs, and peace of mind. In troubling times, it’s vital to check in with yourself and save time to replenish your mental and physical energies. This is doubly important if you are a parent or caretaker. At a moment when others are looking to you for support, it’s important to make sure that you are looked after, as well. Self-care is a helpful tool to keep you from burning out in this trying time.


Anxiety, fear, and panic attacks are some of the most common occurrences among people at the moment. Keep your mind happy and healthy with these quarantine self-care tips:

For Productivity:
  • Stay in contact (via mobile devices): If you don’t live with your nearest and dearest, you’ll want to check in with them. Unless you are a caretaker, we recommend staying away from them for the sake of their health. Granted that it can be hard to be so far away from those we love, but it’s what doctors recommend for the current situation. Remember that friends and family are only a message or video call away!
  • Maintain a routine: Our homes are a place for relaxation, but during quarantine, they’re likely to be transformed into home offices, classrooms, and playgrounds. For the benefit of everyone in the household, it’s a good idea to try to keep a routine and help give as much normalcy to the situation as possible. Follow your daily schedule, but allow for some changes and be flexible. While it can feel like being on holiday at times, remember that it’s not and it’s best to stay busy.
  • Set a limit for media exposure: Staying in the know is vital now, but with the number of negative headlines rising it can be damaging to our mental health after a while. You should most certainly pay attention to your local news and all government mandates, but as long as you’re still doing that feel free to limit your media exposure. Overexposure in the media has shown to lead to widespread panic that doesn’t help anyone. You can set two limits for the day, morning and night, to stay up-to-date, but avoid needless anxiety attacks.
In your free time:
  • Be creative: Sitting at home twiddling your thumbs is one way to get through the quarantine, but it won’t be very exciting! Why not use your time to work on something that you’ve been to busy to get around to? So many of us have projects we’ve left on the back burner just waiting for a little bit of free time to complete them. This is a great opportunity to use those recipes you have saved, craft something at home or knit that sweater you pinned on a Pinterest board.
  • Have fun: If you’re a parent that’s finding it hard to explain the situation to your kids, this tip is for you. While some children may understand the gravity of the situation, most won’t. Rather than scare them with doom and gloom, choose to play and enjoy this time together. Plenty of companies and organizations are making their resources or apps free for families to benefit from during this time. See it as a blessing in disguise that you get to spend more time than usual together, getting to know your child and grow through this experience with them. 

Caring for your body plays a huge part in your mental health. Here are some fun ways to stay active while under quarantine.

  • Stay active: It’s not only the sporty, fitness-lovers who may be suffering physically at this time. Not being able to go out for a walk, run or bike ride will soon take a toll on your body and mind. Choose to stay fit and keep your endorphins flowing by staying active at home. Whether that’s doing yoga, dancing or other exercises, your body will thank you for looking after it.
  • Get your vitamins: Eating healthy now is essential. Stress and anxiety can lower our immune systems, so making sure that you’ve got a good diet can help you stay afloat. When you’re juggling a lot of things, the last thing you need is to feel under the weather. A balanced diet will give you the nourishment you need to keep on keeping on.
  • Relax: Living your life from home during quarantine will feel unusual, but it doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Setting aside time to relax and decompress will be your best defence against a meltdown. The way you relax is up to you, be it watching a Netflix series or meditating in your bedroom. What matters is that you give yourself space to blow off steam and remain collected. Doing this will help you handle the situation much better in the long run.

We hope that these quarantine self-care tips will help you stay calm and centred during this time. If you are looking for resources to help keep you busy and creating during this time, be sure to check out all of WapoBeauty’s recipes. Mayca has also lowered the price of the Soapmaking eBook to encourage everyone to take up a healthy, productive, and rewarding hobby during this difficult time. The WapoBeauty Complete Facial Skincare Online Course for Beginners is also available for anyone looking to learn how to make professional, safe, and stable natural beauty products from the comfort of their home. Join the ranks of students who found this class valuable and rewarding!


Ashuni Pérez is an American writer based in Valencia, Spain. She has a passion for natural beauty and the environment. Ashuni loves to cycle and drink smoothies in the sun. Follow her on Instagram at @ashuuuuni.

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