How to Make a Bath Essence Recipe.

A warm, cosy bath is a treat for both body and mind, meaning anyone can appreciate a natural bath essence. A natural product like this can take your upcoming bath to the next level by adding nourishing oils, as well as offering aromatherapy. If you’re looking to spoil yourself or someone you know with a relaxing bath, this recipe is for you. Not to mention, it’s quite simple, and you may even have most of the ingredients at home already! In this recipe of the month, learn how to make this trendy and pretty bath essence with petals floating in oil.


To make 30 ml of this bath essence, you’ll need:

  • 10 ml Grapeseed Oil
  • 10 ml Organic Sunflower Oil
  • 10 ml Olive Oil
  • 3 drops of Geranium Essential Oil
  • 2 drops of Bergamot Essential Oil
  • Dried Rose Petals
Properties of the Ingredients

Here we’ll take a look at the natural properties of the ingredients.

Grapeseed Oil

Grapeseed oil contains healing nutrients like Vitamins C and E that can help care for your skin and hair. Its high levels of Vitamin E make it extremely nourishing, although the combination of the two makes it helpful for treating acne and hyperpigmentation. When it comes to your hair, grapeseed can help treat weak or brittle hair, preventing hair loss, as well as fighting off dandruff and dermatitis. Not to mention, this oil is much lighter than others, so you can use it frequently. 

Sunflower Oil

This natural golden oil has higher levels of Vitamin E than any other oil. Also, sunflower oil contains Vitamin A, which can help cleanse the skin and even has antibacterial properties. The combination of these two vitamins can soothe irritated skin, treat acne, heal wounds faster, and leave the skin feeling soft to the touch. Lastly, using this oil helps create a protective barrier on the skin, locking moisture in and keeping bacteria out.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is an amazing natural oil that offers plenty of benefits for both your skin and hair. This oil is rich in antioxidants, such as Vitamin E, and also provides anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing effects. Olive oil helps with combating skin damage caused by the sun, stress, or pollution. Furthermore, it has wound-healing abilities, meaning that it can help your skin recover faster. 

Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium essential oil has a sweet, floral scent that is uplifting, combats stress, and soothes the mind. Also, this essential oil has the ability to naturally remove dead skin cells, tighten the skin, and boost skin regeneration. Additionally, geranium oil possesses antiseptic and anti-inflammatory abilities, plus it helps boost immunity, reduce menstrual and menopausal symptoms, as well as improve circulation.

Bergamot Essential Oil

This essential oil is known for its anxiolytic, analgesic, and antidepressant properties, which make it ideal for treating skin infections. Bergamot essential oil can also reduce inflammation, regulate cholesterol, manage stress, and even boost your mood. However, it’s necessary to find a bergapten-free version of essential oil to ensure it’s not phototoxic and safe to use.

Rose Petals

Roses are the most romantic flower, but don’t let their appearance fool you! They’re great for the skin, as well, working as a powerful ingredient in rose water, petals, and powders. The natural oils available in rose petals help lock moisture into your skin, leaving it feeling soft and smooth. Rose petals also offer Vitamin C, meaning that they can also help protect your skin from sun damage and free radicals.

Crafting Your Bath Essence

First, weigh and then, add all the ingredients into a transparent glass bottle. Shake it and pour a teaspoon in your warm bath, when you’re ready to use this bath essence. If you’re a more experienced cosmetic formulator, you could add a natural solubilizer to help the product emulsify with water and avoid leaving oil residue in your bath. However, if you do not use a solubilizer, make sure to wipe your bathtub down with a dry cloth and be careful when getting out of the bath to avoid slippery accidents. This product also makes a beautiful gift for anyone who loves a nice bath.

The Takeaway

Kick your shoes off and enjoy a luxurious bath with this natural bath essence. This lovely bath essence also makes a great natural gift for anyone you know who loves a nice soak in the tub! As it’s the gift-giving season, anyone hoping to craft natural skincare gifts should take advantage of the great discounts on our eBooks. Those looking for guided learning may want to find out more about WapoBeauty’s Complete Facial Skincare Online Course for Beginners and discover how to make professional, safe, and stable natural beauty products. Join the ranks of students who found this class valuable and rewarding

About Our Blogger

Ashuni Pérez is an American writer based in Valencia, Spain. She has a passion for natural beauty and the environment. Ashuni loves to cycle and drink smoothies in the sun. Follow her on Instagram at @ashuuuuni.

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