Natural Care for Furry Friends Pawer4Nature

Natural Care for Furry Friends with Pawer4Nature.

Ivana Spole is the natural cosmetics creator behind the pet care brand Pawer4Nature. As there are many natural beauty alternatives for people, Ivana wanted furry friends to have their own natural alternatives, as well. Pawer4Nature seeks to help pets and their owners live better lives while using natural products to groom and treat themselves. Ivana took some time to talk about her journey, her products, and how WapoBeauty helped along the way.

How did Pawer4Nature get started?

I was always close to nature and animals. Coming from Slovakia, we always looked for remedies in nature, for natural teas or balms when we needed them. For some time, I had issues with my sensitive scalp and could use only one shampoo, but I didn’t like it, because it was medicated. So, I looked for an answer in making my own homemade remedy. After searching on the internet (as it is in my very nature), I started to question the reliability, credibility, and safety of recipes I found.

I slowly got into balm making, from there to soap making and, in a short period, I resolved my scalp issues. Then, I found Mayca. I attended her classes, and I knew I was in the right place. Having cats, a dog, a fish, and a guinea pig at home, I started to look into the care I was giving them with store-bought products. I was really surprised and shocked by the discoveries I was making. I dug deep into regulations, standards, tests, and all things pet-related.

Then, I made a decisionI wanted to create a brand that truly cared about the quality of ingredients and safety of the product for animals and people. Pet care products are by law regarded as detergents, so manufacturers are not obliged to list ingredients or allergens on labels. This can pose a big risk to animals, but also to people who are applying these products on their beloved pets. I want to change this. I look at Pawer4Nature as a sophisticated luxury. I’m sure if pets could read, they’d choose us, meanwhile, I’m here to make people’s choice easier. 

How did Mayca and WapoBeauty’s services help you on your journey to making Pawer4Nature a success?

Mayca and her real, true, scientific, and certified knowledge are something that you won’t find so easily. Sure, there’s many recipes and blogs on the internet, but it is really scary what is out there. Some are pure danger to people and I won’t even start about the recipes you’ll find for animals. 

With Mayca’s guidance from the basics, and support in advanced stages, I was able to make my dream come true. She is very helpful, knowledgeable, and true to her beliefs. As a service and as a person I can’t recommend her enough. I’m really fond of her and I’m privileged enough to also call her my friend. 

What are Pawer4Nature’s most popular products?

Our detangler is popular all year round. It is scented with essential oils, refreshing, detangling, and conditioning with panthenol and phytokeratin. It was a lifesaver during lockdown when all groomers were closed. Our butter is popular as well, not only for paws but any part of the body. We had some amazing results from our customers. Our ear cleaner with floral waters and no alcohol is really good all year round, too. All of our products are cruelty-free and plant-based. 

Are there any new ideas you’re working on, at the moment?

There always are. The market is changing fast, and the needs are, as well. I love playing with new recipes and I like to take on challenges from my customers when they are looking for something specific. 

What are some tips you would offer to animal lovers looking to care for their pets’ fur and skin the natural way?  

You need to start from puppy age and get them used to being touched, even in areas like paws or ears. It is a process of bonding, but also a chance for you to spot some lumps and bumps, or ticks. This must be done regularly. Also, brushing is a must, it doesn’t matter what type of coat. We do have wonderful dry shampoo for very short hair and a detangler for long hair. 

Reward them with a little treat so they associate grooming in a positive way. Although I avoid anything with synthetic fragrances, as they are too strong for dogs’ noses and can unnaturally mask their own smell. They really don’t like to smell like strawberries or mangoes, haha! Good food is very important, too. 

The Takeaway

Visit Pawer4Nature to learn about their natural pet care products. If you’re looking for assistance creating your products, find out more about WapoBeauty’s Formulation Service. Anyone who is already creating their own skincare may be interested in learning how to sell it legally in Ireland and the UK. Those searching for guided learning should visit WapoBeauty’s Complete Facial Skincare Online Course for Beginners and discover how to make professional, safe, and stable natural beauty products. Join the ranks of students who found this class valuable and rewarding

About Our Blogger

Ashuni Pérez is an American writer based in Valencia, Spain. She has a passion for natural beauty and the environment. Ashuni loves to cycle and drink smoothies in the sun. Follow her on Instagram at @ashuuuuni.

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