Afternoon tea in Dublin.

Afternoon tea in Dublin can be offered in many different ways but walking into the Oolong Flower Power tearoom is like entering a vast and amazing world of tea.

The place is decorated with pleasant colors and a minimalist elegant glamor with the plus of a chill-out basement where you are pleasantly hidden from the stressful and busy city rhythm.

Last week I won a free cup of 100% Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee on a Facebook competition @ Oolong Flower Power….I couldn’t believe it as this place was on my list as one of the places pending to visit in Dublin. I am very demanding and choosy about my coffee. Being Spanish I love coffee with “personality” and in all my 5 years in Dublin I haven’t found many places where you can enjoy a real good coffee. For me the quality is more important than quantity.So not a better place for me to taste the most expensive coffee bean in the world!

Oolong Flower Power

Anyway I arrived to the Oolong Flower Power tearoom last Friday afternoon and was nicely attended.I was served a beautiful cute complimentary cupcake while I was waiting for my friend Orna.When she arrived I was served my “prize” a Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee which is definitively different and unique. It has a sort of sour/caramel after taste that is so delightful. While I was enjoying this unique and rare flavor and the chat with my friend who ordered a Pomegranate smoothie and petit fish cake salad that she reckoned was gorgeous, I was eager to get up and explore all those beautiful jars (300 ) full of teas, & unique fruit infusion blends.

Wow it was like traveling with all my senses. “A touch of sun” that my friend pointed out to me I couldn’t resist to buy a little packet. Yes…you can buy any tea in Oolong Flower Power tearoom. 50 grams for €4.50 with makes 15 cups approx. Great value !

Finally a proper tearoom and teashop in Dublin that was much needed.

I am looking forward to go again and try something different. I Love the variety of unconventional exquisite choices that the menu @ Oolong Flower Power offers .

Congratulations for such a nice place and concept !

La Mayca



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